
Gerben Danen (Alliander), Frédéric Didier (RTE), Boris Dolley (RTE), Jeroen Gommans (Alliander), Lisa Hazenoot (Alliander) Jelte Leijenaar (Alliander), Guillaume Trimbach (RTE), Olivier Voron (RTE-i)

1. Presentation of main features introduced by release 3.10.X


  • #3452 : Add hover and zoom-to-card on the geomap function

  • #3450 : Geographical map: add a optional chart to display number of cards by severity

Feed :

  • #3623 : Feed filters : red color for the icon in case filtering is activated

  • #3570 : Set default feed filtering and sorting values in web-ui.json

  • #3565 : Add option to sort cards by start and end date

  • #3566 : Add setting to automatically open the first card in list

  • #3331 : Add a possibility to have non filterable notifications

Card detail :

  • #3545 : Add a possibility to not close card when user acknowledge

  • #3544 : Add the possibility to hide edit or delete card link

Admin :

  • #3503 : Add export feature for admin screens

  • #3534 : Administration screen : Add in groups popup the list of members

Misc :

  • #3310, #3405 : Provide shared css/js to external applications

  • #3234, #3543 : Refuse sending card if process or state does not exist (feature can be desactivate by configuration)

2. Next releases main features

  • Support for POLYGON geometry when using the geographical map, allowing cards to highlight a region on the map.

  • Make card titles case configurable

  • Control perimeter when an external application send a card

  • New options for task reminder (month repetition , week number in month …​ )

  • Add some new features regarding geomap

3. Use another solution than openstreet map for geo maps (#3525)

It is a future need for RTE (for example to use with ArcGIS ). RTE-i is interested in the feature. Alliander may help.

4. RTE Internal end users meeting

Sharing of questions/remarks following RTE End users meeting

  • Read Only Accounts

  • Position of filters

  • Criticality levels

  • Connection exclusivity

5. New UI

Alliander presented a first draft for a new opfab UI.


Opfab has been presented by RTE-i at CIGRE meeting in Paris, RTE-i will provide a video of the presentation.

7. Next TSC meeting

Next TSC meeting is schedule on the 8th of November at 9 am.