- Participants
Clement Bouvier-Neveu(RTE), Gerben Danen (Alliander), Frédéric Didier (RTE), Hubert Duchatelle (RTE), Giovanni Ferrari (SoftLab), Jeroen Gommans (Alliander), Liza Hazenoot (Alliander), Frédéric Kruzyna (RTE), Olivier Voron (RTE-i)
1. Patch release 3.15.1
Security corrections
See card send by your entities
2. Release 4.0.0
Discuss in previous TSC meeting :
Add a more customizable navbar menu : https://github.com/opfab/operatorfabric-core/issues/4442
Add a new back services : cards-external-diffusion : https://github.com/opfab/operatorfabric-core/issues/4396
Opfab API V1
User connection and acknowledgment supervisor
Create usercard as a copy : https://github.com/opfab/operatorfabric-core/issues/4448
New :
New monitoring/planning screen (for demo only)
Task management refactoring
Configuration simplification
3. Preload list of message use case
Using user card template and business data feature to provide pre-defined list of message/question for user : demo by RTE
4. Next TSC meeting
Next TSC meeting is schedule for 14th September at 10am