- Participants
Clement Bouvier-Neveu(RTE)
Gerben Danen (Alliander)
Frédéric Didier (RTE)
Giovanni Ferrari (SoftLab)
Jeroen Gommans (Alliander)
Liza Hazenoot (Alliander)
Frédéric Kruzyna (RTE)
Valérie Longa (RTE)
1. Archives cards slow
Alliander experienced some slowdown when inserting cards in the archives. To address this issue, the following actions have been taken:
An index on parentCardId has been set in the archives-cards MongoDB collection.
A pull request (PR) will be made by RTE to set an index on processInstanceId in the archives-cards MongoDB collection.
2. Handling security updates
Due to security concerns, it is necessary to frequently release new versions with dependency upgrades. The objectives for releasing patch versions are as follows:
Critical vulnerabilities that affect the operator fabric should be patched within 2 days.
High vulnerabilities that affect the operator fabric should be patched within a week.
For low/medium vulnerabilities, there are no specific objectives, but they should be integrated into the develop branch as soon as possible.
When implementing a patch version, the following steps should be followed:
Create a PR on the hotfix branches for supported releases (currently 3.15 and 4.0).
Create a PR on the develop branch.
Before making a patch release, it is recommended to discuss it via Slack.
The releases are currently handled by RTE. However, if Alliander wishes to contribute to this task, we can schedule a dedicated meeting to discuss the release process and open the possibility for some people at alliander to perform releases.
We can add issues in GitHub for security dependencies, especially if we cannot perform the upgrade. Issues are usually created automatically via Mend Dependabot.
We should be aware of potential conflicts when forcing transitive dependency versions.
3. Release Candidate
The next release of opfab will be a release candidate. Doing so will permit us to obtain the openSSF best practice badge (https://www.bestpractices.dev/en)
4. Next TSC meeting
Next TSC meeting is schedule for the 10th of january at 10 AM.