The aim of this document is to provide all the necessary information to developers who would like to start working on OperatorFabric. It will walk you through setting up the necessary tooling to be able to launch OperatorFabric in development mode, describe the structure of the project and point out useful tools (Gradle tasks, scripts, etc.) for development purposes.

1. Requirements

To install a dev environment for Operator Fabric , you need

  • A linux physical or virtual machine

  • A git client

  • Docker

  • Docker Compose with 2.1+ file format support

  • Chrome (needed for UI tests in build)

  • jq

2. Setting up your development environment

2.1. Clone repository

git clone
cd operatorfabric-core

Do not forget to set proxy if needed , for example :

git config --global http.proxy http://LOGIN:PWD@PROXY_URL:PORT

2.2. Install sdkman and nvm

sdkman is used to manage java version , see for installation

nvm is used to manage node and npm version , see for installation See :

Do not forget to set proxy if needed , for example :

export https_proxy= http://LOGIN:PWD@PROXY_URL:PORT

Once you have installed sdkman and nvm, you can source the following script to set up your development environment (appropriate versions of Node Java and project variables set):

source bin/
From now on, you can use environment variable ${OF_HOME} to go back to the home repository of OperatorFabric.

2.3. Setting up your proxy configuration

If you use a proxy to access internet, you must configure it for all tools needed to build opfab

2.3.1. Docker

To download images , you need to set the proxy for the docker daemon

See docker documentation to set the proxy

To build docker images, you need to set a proxy via the variable https_proxy

export https_proxy= http://LOGIN:PWD@PROXY_URL:PORT

You may have some DNS error when building docker images, in this case use the IP address of your proxy instead of the FQDN .

2.3.2. Gradle

In (in ~/.gradle repository)

Example :


2.3.3. Npm

Example :

npm config set https-proxy http://LOGIN:PWD@PROXY_URL:PORT

2.4. Deploy needed docker containers

OperatorFabric development needs docker images of MongoDB, RabbitMQ, web-ui and Keycloak running.

For this, use:

cd ${OF_HOME}/config/dev

2.5. Build OperatorFabric with Gradle

Using the wrapper in order to ensure building the project the same way from one machine to another.

To fully build opfab :

cd ${OF_HOME}
./gradlew buildDocker

Optionally, it is possible to

2.5.1. Only compile and package the jars

cd ${OF_HOME}
./gradlew assemble

2.5.2. Only launch the Unit Test, compile and package the jars

cd ${OF_HOME}
./gradlew build

2.6. Run OperatorFabric Services using the script

cd ${OF_HOME}
bin/ -w start
See bin/ -h for details.

2.7. Log into the UI

URL: localhost:2002
login: operator1_fr
password: test

Other users available in development mode are operator2_froperator3_fr, operator4_fr and admin, with test as password.

2.8. Push cards to the feed

You can check that you see cards into the feed by running the following scripts.


2.9. Enabling local quality report generation

This step is optional and is generally not needed (only needed if you want a Sonarqube report locally)

Sonarqube reporting needs a SonarQube docker container. Use the ${OF_HOME}/src/main/docker/test-quality-environment/docker-compose.yml to get them all running.

To generate the quality report, run the following commands:

cd ${OF_HOME}
./gradlew jacocoTestReport

To export the reports into the SonarQube docker instance, install and use SonarScanner.

3. User Interface

In the following document the variable declared as OF_HOME is the root folder of the operatorfabric-core project.

stands for Command Line Interface

3.1. Build

Within the folder ${OF_HOME}/ui/main, run ng build to build the project.

The build artifacts will be stored in:


The previous command could lead to the following error:

Generating ES5 bundles for differential loading...
An unhandled exception occurred: Call retries were exceeded
See "/tmp/ng-<random-string>/angular-errors.log" for further details.

where ng-<random-string> is a temporary folder created by Angular to build the front-end.

Use node --max_old_space_size=4096 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build instead to solve this problem.

3.2. Test

3.2.1. Standalone tests

Run in the ${OF_HOME}/ui/main directory the command ng test --watch=false to execute the unit tests on Jasmine using Karma to drive the browser.

3.2.2. Test during UI development

  1. if the RabbitMQ, MongoDB and Keycloak docker containers are not running, launch them;

  2. set your environment variables with source ${OF_HOME}/bin/;

  3. run the micro services using the same command as earlier: ${OF_HOME}/bin/ start;

  4. launch an angular server with the command: ng serve;

  5. test your changes in your browser using this url: localhost:4200 which leads to localhost:4200/#/feed. Troubleshooting :

If ng serve returns the error Command 'ng' not found, install the Angular CLI globally with the following command.

npm install -g @angular/cli

This will install the latest version of the Angular command line, which might not be in line with the one used by the project, but it’s not an issue as when you run ng serve the local version of the Angular CLI (as defined in the package.json file) will be used.

If it is still not running , launch in the ui/main directory

npm link @angular/cli

4. Environment variables

These variables are loaded by bin/

  • OF_HOME: OperatorFabric root dir

  • OF_VERSION : OperatorFabric version, as defined in the $OF_HOME/VERSION file

  • OF_CLIENT_REL_COMPONENTS : List of modules for the client libraries

5. Project Structure

5.1. Conventions regarding project structure and configuration

Sub-projects must conform to a few rules in order for the configured Gradle tasks to work:

5.1.1. Java


contains java source code


contains java tests source code


contains resource files


contains test resource files

5.1.2. Modeling

Core services projects declaring REST APIS that use Swagger for their definition must declare two files:


Swagger API definition


Swagger generator configuration

5.1.3. Docker

Services project all have docker image generated in their build cycle. See Gradle Tasks for details.

Per project configuration :

  • docker file : [sub-project]/Dockerfile

6. Development tools

6.1. Scripts (bin and CICD)


sets up environment when sourced (java version & node version)


runs all all services (see below)


Please see -h usage before running.


  • mongo running on port 27017 with user "root" and password "password" (See src/main/docker/mongodb/docker-compose.yml for a pre configured instance).

  • rabbitmq running on port 5672 with user "guest" and password "guest" (See src/main/docker/rabbitmq/docker-compose.yml for a pre configured instance).

Ports configuration




Web ui and gateway (Nginx server)



Businessconfig service http (REST)



card publication service http (REST)



Users management service http (REST)



card consultation service http (REST)



External devices service http (REST)



java debug port



java debug port



java debug port



java debug port



java debug port

6.2. Gradle Tasks

In this section only custom tasks are described. For more information on tasks, refer to the output of the "tasks" gradle task and to gradle and plugins official documentation.

6.2.1. Services Common tasks for all sub-projects
  • Test tasks

  • Other:

    • copyDependencies: copy dependencies to build/support_libs (for Sonar) Businessconfig Service
  • Test tasks

    • prepareTestDataDir: prepare directory (build/test-data) for test data

    • compressBundle1Data, compressBundle2Data: generate tar.gz businessconfig party configuration data for tests in build/test-data

    • prepareDevDataDir: prepare directory (build/dev-data) for bootRun task

    • createDevData: prepare data in build/test-data for running bootRun task during development

  • Other tasks

    • copyCompileClasspathDependencies: copy compile classpath dependencies, catching lombok that must be sent for sonarqube tools/generic
  • Test tasks

    • prepareTestData: copy test data from src/test/data/simple to build/test-data/

    • compressTestArchive: compress the contents of /src/test/data/archive to /build/test-data/archive.tar.gz

6.2.2. Client Library

The jars produced by the projects under "client" will now be published to Maven Central after each release to make integration in client applications more manageable (see the official Sonatype documentation) for more information about the requirements and publishing process.

To that end, we are using:

  • the Maven Publish Gradle plugin to take care of the metadata (producing the required pom.xml for example) and publishing the artifacts to a staging repository

  • the Signing Gradle plugin to sign the produced artifacts using a GPG key. Configuration

For the signing task to work, you need to :

Import the opfab secret key file
gpg2 --import OPFAB_KEY_FILE
Set the signing configuration in your file

Add to your :


To get the keyName (ID_OF_THE_GPG_KEY_TO_USE) use :

gpg2 --list-secret-keys


Set the credential for the publication

For the publication to the staging repository (OSSRH) to work, you need to set the credentials in your file:

The credentials need to belong to an account that has been granted the required privileges on the project (this is done by Sonatype on request via the same JIRA).
More information

See this link for more information about importing a GPG key to your machine and getting its id. Relevant tasks

These plugins and the associated configuration in the client.gradle file make the following tasks available:

  • publishClientLibraryMavenPublicationToOssrhRepository: this will publish the client jars to the OSSRH repository (in the case of a X.X.X.RELEASE version) or to a repos directory in the build directory (in the case of a SNAPSHOT version).

  • publishClientLibraryMavenPublicationToMavenLocal: this will publish the client jars to the local Maven repository

The publication tasks will call the signing task automatically.

See the plugins documentations for more details on the other tasks available and the dependencies between them.

As the client library publication is currently the only configured publication in our build, it is also possible to use the corresponding aggregate tasks as shortcuts: publish instead of publishClientLibraryMavenPublicationToOssrhRepository and publishToMavenLocal instead of publishClientLibraryMavenPublicationToMavenLocal.

6.2.3. Gradle Plugins

In addition to these custom tasks and standard Gradle tasks, OperatorFabric uses several Gradle plugins, among which:

6.3. API testing with Karate DSL

If your OperatorFabric instance is not running on localhost, you need to replace localhost with the address of your running instance within the karate-config.js file.

All the scripts and test files are in src/test/api/karate.

6.3.1. Run a feature

To launch a specific test, launch in src/test/api/karate.

$OF_HOME/gradlew karate --args=myfeature.feature

The result will be available in the target repository.

6.3.2. Non regression tests

You can launch operatorFabric non-regression tests via the script in src/test/api/karate.

To have the test passed, you need to have a clean Mongo DB database. To do that, you can use the scripts :

  • src/test/resources/

  • src/test/resources/

6.4. Cypress Tests

Automatic UI testing

All paths for cd are given assuming you’re starting from $OF_HOME.

6.4.1. Installation

Before running Cypress tests for the first time you need to install it using NPM.

cd src/test/cypress
npm install

6.4.2. Cypress file structure

By default, all test files are located in cypress/cypress/integration but it is possible to put it on another directory

The commands.js file under cypress/cypress/support is used to create custom commands and overwrite existing commands.

6.4.3. Launching the OpFab instance to test Commands

You can launch the OpFab instance for Cypress tests either in dev or docker mode. The following commands launch the instance in docker mode, just substitute dev for docker to launch it in dev mode.

cd config/docker
docker compose down (1)
./ (2)
1 Remove existing config/docker containers to avoid conflicts
2 Start "Cypress-flavoured" containers

After you’re done with your tests, you can stop and destroy containers (as it is better to start with fresh containers to avoid side-effects from previous tests) with the following commands:

cd config/docker
docker compose down Explanation

The Cypress tests rely on a running OpFab instance that is an adaptation from the config/docker docker compose file (environment name, shorter time before lttd clock display, etc.).

The script performs this adaptation to create this base Cypress configuration.

This will create the following files under config/cypress/ui-config:

  • ui-menu.json

  • web-ui.json

  • web-ui-base.json

Where XXX-base.json and XXX.json are created by copying the corresponding XXX.json file for standard docker configuration (found under config/docker/ui-config) and making the necessary adaptations needed for the cypress instance to work well for the tests (changing the authentication mode, making all features visible, etc.).

Then, during the course of the cypress tests, the web-ui.json file will be modified to test specific features (for example, hiding a feature, defining a new menu, etc.). It is reset with the content of web-ui-base.json before each test or series of test.

The docker container relies on the XXX.json files under config/cypress/ui-config.

For convenience, the is launched as part of the scripts.

6.4.4. Running existing tests

To launch the Cypress test runner:

cd src/test/cypress
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open

This will open the Cypress test runner. Either click on the test you want to run or run all X tests on the right to run all existing tests.

You can select the browser (and version) that you want to use from a dropdown list on the right. The list will display the browsers that are currently installed on your computer (and supported by Cypress).

6.4.5. Running tests on 4200 (ng serve)

Follow the steps described above in "Dev mode" to start a Cypress-flavoured OpFab instance in development mode, then run ng serve to start a dynamically generated ui on port 4200:

cd ui/main
ng serve

Then launch the Cypress test runner as follows:

To launch the Cypress test runner:

cd src/test/cypress
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open --config baseUrl=http://localhost:4200

6.4.6. Running tests with Gradle

The tests can also be run in command line mode using a Gradle task :

./gradlew runCypressTests

You can run a subset of the tests, for example if you want to run all the tests starting with 'User':

./gradlew runSomeCypressTests -PspecFiles=User*

6.4.7. Clearing MongoDB

If you want to start with a clean database (from the cards and archived cards point of view), you can purge the associated collections through the MongoDB shell with the following commands:

docker exec -it docker-mongodb-1 bash
mongo "mongodb://root:password@localhost:27017/?authSource=admin"
use operator-fabric{})

6.4.8. Current status of tests

All tests should be passing when run alone (i.e. not with run all specs) against empty card/archived cards collections. However, tests in the "Flaky" folder can sometimes fail because they involve dates (round up errors for example).

6.4.9. Creating new tests

Create a new XXXX.spec.js file under cypress/cypress/integration

We will need to define a convention for naming and organizing tests. Guidelines and tips
  • Use the find or within commands rather than complex CSS selectors to target descendants elements.

  • If you want to access aliases using the this keyword, make sure you are using anonymous functions rather than fat arrow functions, otherwise use cy.get('@myAlias') to access it asynchronously (the documentation has recently been updated on this topic).

  • When running tests, make sure that you are not connected to OpFab as it can cause unexpected behaviour with read cards for example.

  • When chaining a should assertion to a cy.get command that returns several elements, it will pass if it is true for ANY of these elements. Use each + callback to check that an assertion is true on every element.

  • cy.contains is a command, not an assertion. If you want to test the attribute, classes, content etc. of an element, it’s better to target the element by id or data attribute using a cy.get() command for example and then chain an assertion with should(). This way, you will get an expected/actual error message if the assertion fails, you will avoid false positives (text is found in another sibling element) and hard to debug behaviour with retries.

  • Be careful with find() (see #1751 for an example of issue that it can cause). See the Cypress documentation for an explanation and a less flaky alternative.

6.4.10. Configuration

In cypress.config.js:

  • e2e.baseUrl: The base url of the OperatorFabric instance you’re testing against. It will be appended in front of any visit call.

  • The host corresponding to the OperatorFabric instance you’re testing against. It will be used for API calls.

  • e2e.env.defaultWaitTime: Using the custom-defined command cy.waitDefaultTime() instead of cy.wait(XXX) allows the wait time to be changed globally for all steps to the value defined by this property.

6.5. Load testing with Gatling

Load tests using Gatling are written in java. All test java sources are in src/test/gatling/src/java

If your OperatorFabric instance is not running on localhost, you need to edit the tests classes and replace localhost with the address of your running instance.

6.5.1. Run tests

To run all the tests, launch:

$OF_HOME/gradlew clean  gatlingRun

To run only a specific test, launch:

$OF_HOME/gradlew clean  gatlingRun --simulation=<TestClassName>

The result will be available in the src/test/gatling/build/reports/gatling/ folder.

6.6. Node services

When developing Node services, you have the option to run the service outside of the Docker environment. To do this, follow these steps:

Stop the Docker container running the Node service. For example:

    docker stop cards-reminder

After stopping the Docker container, you can start the service in development mode with hot reload :

    cd node-services/cards-reminder
    npm run start:dev

6.6.1. Other useful commands

Here are some other useful commands for working with Node services:

To launch unit tests :

    npm run test

To build the service :

    npm run build

To start the service without hot reload :

    node build/cardReminder.ts

7. Useful recipes

7.1. Running sub-project from jar file

  • java -jar [sub-projectPath]/build/libs/[sub-project].jar

7.2. Overriding properties when running from jar file

  • java -jar [sub-projectPath]/build/libs/[sub-project].jar –spring.config.additional-location=file:[filepath] NB : properties may be set using ".properties" file or ".yml" file. See Spring Boot configuration for more info.

  • Generic property list extract :

    • server.port : embedded server port

  • :services:core:businessconfig-party-service properties list extract :

    • (defaults to "") : where to save/load OperatorFabric Businessconfig data

7.3. Generating docker images

To Generate all docker images run `./gradlew buildDocker'

7.4. Generating documentation (from AsciiDoc sources)

The sources for the documentation are located under src/docs/asciidoc. To generate HTML pages from these sources, use the asciidoctor gradle task from the project root:

./gradlew asciidoctor

The task output can be found under $OF_HOME/build/docs/asciidoc

7.5. Generating API documentation

The documentation for the API is generated from the swagger.yaml definitions using SwaggerUI. To generate the API documentation, use the generateSwaggerUI gradle task, either from the project root or from one of the services:

./gradlew generateSwaggerUI

The task output can be found for each service under [service-path]/build/docs/api (for example services/businessconfig/build/docs/api). Open the index.html file in a browser to have a look at the generated SwaggerUI.

8. Troubleshooting

Proxy error when running businessconfig-party docker-compose

Error message
Pulling rabbitmq (rabbitmq:3-management)...
ERROR: Get Proxy Authentication Required
Possible causes & resolution

When running docker compose files using businessconfig-party images(such as rabbitmq, mongodb etc.) the first time, docker will need to pull these images from their repositories. If the docker proxy isn’t set properly, you will see the above message.

To set the proxy, follow these steps from the docker documentation.

If your proxy needs authentication, add your user and password as follows:

The password should be URL-encoded.

Gradle Metaspace error

Gradle task (for example gradle build) fails with the following error:

Error message
* What went wrong:
Possible causes & resolution

Issue with the Gradle daemon. Stopping the daemon using ./gradlew --stop and re-launching the build should solve this issue.

Java version not available when setting up environment
When sourcing the load_environment_light script to set up your environment, you might get the following error message:

Error message
Stop! java 8.0.192-zulu is not available. Possible causes:
 * 8.0.192-zulu is an invalid version
 * java binaries are incompatible with Linux64
 * java has not been released yet

Select the next available version and update load_environment_light accordingly before sourcing it again.

Possible causes & resolution

The java version currently listed in the script might have been deprecated (for security reasons) or might not be available for your operating system (for example, 8.0.192-zulu wasn’t available for Ubuntu).

Run sdk list java to find out which versions are available. You will get this kind of output:

Available Java Versions
     13.ea.16-open       9.0.4-open          1.0.0-rc-11-grl
     12.0.0-zulu         8.0.202-zulu        1.0.0-rc-10-grl
     12.0.0-open         8.0.202-amzn        1.0.0-rc-9-grl
     12.0.0-librca       8.0.202.j9-adpt     1.0.0-rc-8-grl
     11.0.2-zulu         8.0.202.hs-adpt
     11.0.2-open         8.0.202-zulufx
     11.0.2-amzn         8.0.202-librca
     11.0.2.j9-adpt      8.0.201-oracle
     11.0.2.hs-adpt  > + 8.0.192-zulu
     11.0.2-zulufx       7.0.211-zulu
     11.0.2-librca       6.0.119-zulu
     11.0.2-sapmchn      1.0.0-rc-15-grl
     10.0.2-zulu         1.0.0-rc-14-grl
     10.0.2-open         1.0.0-rc-13-grl
     9.0.7-zulu          1.0.0-rc-12-grl

+ - local version
* - installed
> - currently in use

BUILD FAILED with message Execution failed for task ':ui:main-user-interface:npmInstall'.

Error message
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':ui:main-user-interface:npmInstall'.
Possible causes & resolution

A sudo has been used before the ./gradlew assemble.

Don’t use sudo to build OperatorFabric otherwise unexpected problems could arise.

curl get Failed to connect to localhost:2002: Connection refused

When using the following command line:

curl http://localhost:2002/
Error message
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 2002: Connexion refused
Possible causes & resolution

The web-ui docker container stops running. Check its configuration.

curl 404 status return by ngnix

When using the following command line:

curl http://localhost:2002/thirds/

The following error appears:

Error message
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
Possible causes & resolution

The requested page is not or no more mapped by the nginx.conf of web-ui. Update it or check for the new end point of the desired page.

For this example, businessconfig replaces now the former thirds end-point.

curl 404 status return by OperatorFabric

When using the following command line:

curl http://localhost:2002/businessconfig/ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}"

where ${token} is a valid OAuth2 JWT.

The following error appears:

Error message
{"timestamp":"XXXX-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXX+00:00","status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"","path":"/businessconfig"}

where XXXX-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXX+00:00 is a time stamp corresponding to the moment when the request has been sent.

Possible causes & resolution

The requested end-point is not or no more valid in OperatorFabric. Check the API documentation for correct path.

For this example, businessconfig/processes is a correct end-point whereas businessconfig alone is not.

ERROR: for web-ui when running docker compose in ${OF_HOME}/config/dev

When using the following commands:

cd ${OF_HOME}/config/dev
docker compose up -d

The following error appears:

Error message
ERROR: for web-ui  Cannot start service web-ui: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:430: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting \\\"/home/legallron/projects/operatorfabric-core/config/dev/nginx.conf\\\" to rootfs …

where is specific to the runtime environment.

Possible causes & resolution

There is no nginx.conf file in the ${OF_HOME}/conf/dev directory.

A first run of OperatorFabric docker compose in dev config needs a nginx.conf file. To create it, and run a docker compose environment use:

cd ${OF_HOME}/config/dev

If docker compose has created a nginx.conf directory, delete it before running the previous commands.

Once this nginx.conf file created a simple docker compose up -d is enough to run a dev docker compose environment. Sometimes a nginx.conf has been created as an attempt to launch the web-ui docker. See the following section to resolve this.

/ ligne 7: ./nginx.conf: is a folder when running ${OF_HOME}/config/dev/

When using the following commands:

cd ${OF_HOME}/config/dev

The following error appears:

Error message
./ ligne 7: ./nginx.conf: is a folder
Possible causes

A docker compose up has been run previously without nginx.conf. A folder named nginx.conf has been created by docker-compose.


You have rights to delete the folder:

cd ${OF_HOME}/config/dev
rm -rf nginx.conf
./ # if you want to run OperatorFabric directly after.
cd ${OF_HOME}
bin/ start

You don’t have the rights to delete the folder:

cd ${OF_HOME}/config/dev
docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/current alpine # if there is no `alpine` docker available it will pull it from dockerHub
# your are now in the alpine docker container
cd /current
rm -rf nginxconf
<ctrl-d> # to exit the `alpine` container bash environement
./ # if you want to run OperatorFabric directly after.
cd ${OF_HOME}
bin/ start

An unhandled exception occurred: Call retries were exceeded occurs when using ng build

When using the following command line:

cd ${OF_HOME}/ui/main
ng build

The following error appears:

Error message
Generating ES5 bundles for differential loading...
An unhandled exception occurred: Call retries were exceeded
See "/tmp/ng-<random-string>/angular-errors.log" for further details.

where ng-<random-string> is a temporary folder created by Angular to build the front-end.

Possible causes & resolution

There is not enough allocated memory space to build the front-end.

Use the following command to solve the problem:

node --max_old_space_size=4096 node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build

9. Keycloak Configuration

The configuration needed for development purposes is automatically loaded from the dev-realms.json file. However, the steps below describe how they can be reproduced from scratch on a blank Keycloak instance in case you want to add to it.

The Keycloak Management interface is available here: [host]:89/auth/admin Default credentials are admin/admin.

9.1. Add Realm

  • Click top left down arrow next to Master

  • Add Realm

  • Name it dev (or whatever)

9.2. Setup at least one client (or best one per service)

9.2.1. Create client

  • Click Clients in left menu

  • Click Create Button

  • Set client ID to "opfab-client" (or whatever)

  • Select Openid-Connect Protocol

  • Click Next

  • Enable client authentication

  • Enable authorization

  • Select Authentication flows: Standard flow, Direct access grants, Implicit flow

  • Click Next

  • Enter Valid redirect URIs : localhost:2002/*

  • Add Valid redirect URIs : localhost:4200/*

  • Click Save

  • Remove Web origins settings

  • Click Save

  • Select Client scopes tab

  • Click on opfab-client-dedicated

  • From Mappers tab click Add Mapper

  • Select by configuration

  • Select User Property

  • name it sub

  • set Property to username

  • set Token claim name to sub

  • enable add to access token

  • save

  • From Mappers tab click Add Mapper

  • Select by configuration

  • Select User Attribute

  • name it groups

  • set Property to groups

  • set User attribute to groups

  • set Token claim name to groups

  • enable add to access token

  • save

  • From Mappers tab click Add Mapper

  • Select by configuration

  • Select User Attribute

  • name it groups

  • set Property to entitiesId

  • set User attribute to entitiesId

  • set Token claim name to entitiesId

  • enable add to access token

  • save

9.3. Create Users

  • Click Users in left menu

  • Click Add User button

  • Set username to admin

  • Create

  • Select Credentials tab

  • set password and confirmation to "test"

  • disable Temporary flag

  • Select Attributes tab

  • add groups or entitiesId attributes if needed

repeat process for other users: operator3_fr, operator1_fr, operator2_fr, etc ..

9.3.1. Development-specific configuration

To facilitate development, in the configuration file provided in the git (dev-realms.json) ,session are set to have a duration of 10 hours (36000 seconds) and SSL is not required. These parameters should not be used in production.

The following parameters are set : accessTokenLifespan : 36000 ssoSessionMaxLifespan : 36000 accessCodeLifespan" : 36000 accessCodeLifespanUserAction : 36000 sslRequired : none

10. Using OAuth2 token with the CLI

10.1. Get a token

Method: POST

Body arguments:

  • grant_type: string constant=password;

    • username: string any value, must match an OperatorFabric registered user name;

  • password: string any value;

The following examples will be for admin user.

10.1.1. Curl


curl -s -X POST -d

example of expected result:


10.1.2. Httpie

http --form POST http://localhost:2002/auth/token username=admin password=test

example of expected result:

.HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-store
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 13:57:19 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
transfer-encoding: chunked

    "expires_in": 1799,
    "jti": "624309b1-7c87-4cdc-8443-0124515f87f8",
    "scope": "read user_info",
    "token_type": "bearer"

10.2. Extract token

From the previous results, the data needed to be considered to be authenticated by OperatorFabric services is the content of the "access_token" attribute of the body response.

Once this value extracted, it needs to be passed at the end of the value of the http HEADER of type Authorization:Bearer. Note that a space is needed between Bearer and token actual value. example from previous results:

10.2.1. Curl


10.2.2. Httpie


10.3. Check a token

10.3.1. Curl

from previous example

curl -s -X POST -d

which gives the following example of result:


10.3.2. Httpie

from previous example:

http --form POST http://localhost:2002/auth/check_token

which gives the following example of result:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 14:19:31 GMT
Expires: 0
Pragma: no-cache
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
transfer-encoding: chunked

    "active": true,
    "authorities": [
    "client_id": "clientIdPassword",
    "exp": 1552660039,
    "jti": "624309b1-7c87-4cdc-8443-0124515f87f8",
    "scope": [
    "sub": "admin"

10.4. Extract token

The utility jq, sadly not always available on some Linux distro, parses json input and extracts requested json path value(access_token here). Here is a way to do so.

 curl -d "username=${user}&password=${password}&grant_type=password" "http://localhost:2002/auth/token" | jq -r .access_token


  • ${user}: login existing on keycloak for operatorfabric;

  • ${password}: password for the previous login in keycloak;

  • opfab-client: is the id of the client for OperatorFabric associated to the dev realm in Keycloak in a dev(${OF_HOME/config/dev) or docker(${OF_HOME/config/docker) configuration of operatorFabric.

The -r option, for raw, leaves the output without any quotes.

11. Kafka Implementation

Next to publishing cards to OperatorFabric using the REST API, OperatorFabric also supports publishing cards via a Kafka Topic. In the default configuration Kafka is enabled.

11.1. Setup Kafka environment

Opfab by default starts a bitnami Kafka docker container and a zookeeper container as defined in docker-compose.yml. If you have a Kafka environment running you need to configure Opfab to connect to your Kafka server by setting spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers property in card-publication.yml:

    bootstrap-servers: <kafka-server-host>:<port>

If you want to setup an easy-to-use broker with a graphical interface, you can for example download

11.2. Disabling Kafka

To disable Kafka support you need to comment the kafka.* properties in the cards-publication.yml file:

#    kafka:
#      consumer:
#        group-id: opfab-command
#      bootstrap-servers: kafka:9092

11.3. Configuration

The default topic from which the messages are consumed is called opfab. This setting can be modified by setting opfab.kafka.card.topics.topicname. Messages are encoded in the CardCommand.card field. The default topic to which messages are produced is called opfab-response. This setting can be modified by setting the opfab.kafka.topics.response-card, see below. Messages produced by Operator Fabric are encoded in the CardCommand.responseCard field

By default Opfab use the provided KafkaAvroWithoutRegistrySerializer and KafkaAvroWithoutRegistryDeserializer, so no schema registry setting is needed. If you want to use a schema registry you need to configure opfab to use standard Kafka Avro serializers and deserializers and make sure the registry service setting is provided in the card-publication.yml file.

Example settings for the cards-publication.yml file:

        class: io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer
        class: io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer

          topicname: opfab
          topicname: opfab-response
          url: http://localhost:8081

Cards-publication service for more settings.

See Schema management for detailed information on using and benefits of a schema registry.

11.4. OperatorFabric Kafka source code

11.5. Listener / deserializer

Most of the OperatorFabric Kafka implementation can be found at

for the implementation of the deserializers and mapping of Kafka topics to OperatorFabric cards and


for the various Kafka configuration options.

11.5.1. Kafka OperatorFabric AVRO schema

The AVRO schema, the byte format in which messages are transferred using Kafka topics, can be found at client/src/main/avro. Message are wrapped in a CardCommand object before being sent to a Kafka topic. The CardCommand consists of some additional information and the OperatorFabric card itself, see also [card_structure]. The additional information, for example CommandType, consists mostly of the information present in a REST operation but not in Kafka. For example the http method (POST, DELETE, UPDATE) used.

11.6. Configure Kafka

11.6.1. Setting a new deserializer

By default, OperatorFabric uses the provided from Confluent. However, you can use a standard deserializer io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer from Confluent or write your own deserializer. To use your own deserializer, make sure spring.deserializer.value.delegate.class points to your deserializer.

11.6.2. Configuring a broker

When you have a broker running on localhost port 9092, you do not need to set the bootstrap severs. If this is not the case, you need tell Operator Fabric where the broker can be found. You can do so by setting the bootstrap-servers property in the cards-publication.yml file:


11.7. Kafka card producer

To send a CardCommand to OperatorFabric, start by implementing a simple Kafka producer by following for example Spring for Apache Kafka. Note that some properties of CardCommand or its embedded Card are required. If not set, the card will be rejected by OperatorFabric.

When you dump the card (which is about to be put on a topic) to stdout, you should see something like the line below. Do ignore the actual values from the dump below.

  "command": "CREATE_CARD",
  "process": "integrationTest",
  "processInstanceId": "fa6ce61f-192f-11eb-a6e3-eea952defe56",
  "card": {
    "parentCardUid": null,
    "publisher": "myFirstPublisher",
    "processVersion": "2",
    "state": "FirstUserTask",
    "publishDate": null,
    "lttd": null,
    "startDate": 1603897942000,
    "endDate": 1604070742000,
    "severity": "ALARM",
    "tags": null,
    "timeSpans": null,
    "details": null,
    "title": {
      "key": "FirstUserTask.title",
      "parameters": null
    "summary": {
      "key": "FirstUserTask.summary",
      "parameters": null
    "userRecipients": [
    "groupRecipients": null,
    "entitiesAllowedToRespond": [
    "entityRecipients": null,
    "hasBeenAcknowledged": null,
    "data": "{\"action\":\"Just do something\"}"

11.8. Response Cards

OperatorFabric response cards can be sent by REST of put on a Kafka topic. The Kafka response card configuration follows the convention to configure a REST endpoint. Instead of setting the 'http://host/api' URL, you set it to 'kafka:response-topic' in the external-recipients: section from the cards-publication.yml file:

        - id: "processAction"
          url: "http://localhost:8090/test"
          propagateUserToken: false
        - id: "mykafka"
          url: "kafka:topicname"
          propagateUserToken: false

Note that topicname is a placeholder for now. All response cards are returned via the same Kafka response topic, as specified in the opfab.kafka.topics.response-card field.

12. MailHog SMTP server

MailHog is an SMTP mail server suitable for testing. Opfab uses MailHog to test mail notification service. MailHog allows to view sent messages in the web UI, or retrieve them with the JSON API.

12.1. MailHog docker container

A MailHog docker container is configured in Opfab docker-compose.yaml:

    image: mailhog/mailhog:v1.0.1
      - 1025:1025
      - 8025:8025

The container exposes port 1025 for SMTP protocol and port 8025 for web UI and HTTP REST API. Mailhog web interface is accesible at localhost:8025. Mailhog REST API allows to list, retrieve and delete messages.

For example, to retrieve the list of received messages, send an http GET request to: localhost:8025/api/v2/messages

13. Dependency analysis

Inside the bin/dependencies directory, you can find scripts to help analyze the dependencies used by the project. These scripts should be executed from within the same directory.

The first script, named, aggregates all dependency trees (including Java and npm dependencies) into a single file. The generated file includes the name of the current branch, making it easier to compare dependencies between branches.

The second script,, allows you to search for dependencies based on the generated file. For example, if you are searching for the "rabbit" dependency:

cd bin/dependencies
./ rabbit

The analysis is conducted on the current branch by default. If you wish to utilize a report from another branch, you can specify it as follows:

./searchForDependency rabbit myBranch